Sunday, October 30, 2011


......Exams......they never cease to exist LOL. Two weeks ago was Calculus 1, last week Chemistry, and this week Physics. Added to that are three SAT subject tests on Saturday....oh boy. I'm finding myself rubbing my head more often nowadays.

On the bright side today is Halloween, so Happy Halloween everyone :)

For my relationship status, I plan on staying single for a long time. At least till I move out next summer when I transfer out to a 4 year school. Some of the schools I'll be applying to are University of Washington, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Boston University, Illinois Institute of Technology, and Wentworth Institute of Technology. If any of you have information on any of the mentioned schools I'll gladly accept :D Basically, I'm looking forward to major in either mathematics or aerospace engineering......AND NO IT'S NOT CAUSE I'M ASIAN!!! I just feel much more comfortable working with numbers than words. English was never my favorite subject haha.

Aight people, till next time

Friday, September 23, 2011


So it has already been a month since fall semester has started.

It seems the last time I updated was in May and a lot has happened since then. During summer, well all I did was work and take an online science class. Went pretty well. After they returned I took my own vacation for 5 days. Went to girlfriend's parents house. Good times, helped her father build parts of the railing on their porch. One or two days later she broke up with me. Then school began. Since then I've just kinda lost "me." She doesn't know but to me she was my rock, my life. I just have this emptiness that just can't be filled. All the talks of the future is gone and I feel lost. Its to the point where I can't even concentrate on my classwork. All my grades are down pretty bad. I just feel like I need to clear my room of everything just to refresh myself. Its been a month and yet I'm still having a hard time getting over it all. I know it'll take time but I just wish it would hurry.

Just trying to update right now is hard cause I can't think clearly. I just want to see my mother and be held by her. Gonna see her next month but with ex. She loves my mother and my mom and stepdad loves her too. The only difference now is that they finally know that I'm gay but only after we've broken up. Which I wish I had the courage to tell them earlier cause that was one of the reasons she did what she did.

Anyways so far with school, I've started on transfer applications to several different schools. I will also be taking three SAT subject tests in November, hoping it'll boost my profile and all. I just want to get away soon and fast. Summer could not arrive fast enough, well its not quite over yet but still wishing for summer of 2012 to arrive so I can move out already. Well this is all I've got for now.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I just found out the community college I attend has an Engineering program......I'm tempted.  Currently, I'm working on getting an associates for Architectural AutoCAD.  I wonder if the school would allow me to go both ways.  Should go in to the office one day and ask BUT I'M TOO LAZY!!!!  argh.

I just want my summer class to start already.  This void is driving me nuts.  I have too much time on my hands and I don't know what to do except THINK about useless things.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring Semester

Finally a week without classes.  Sunday was the last day for Spring semester.  Although this had been my first time being back into a college setting in five years, I still kicked ass.  My first time in college was back in 05-06, man did I mess up my GPA.  I believe it was 1.92 or one point something.  I think back and I just want to slap myself in the back of the head.  I really fucked myself over, going from an Honor Society student to an Academic Probation student HA!!  Some loser I was.  Now it's 2011 and my GPA for this current semester is (drums please) 3.231 OH YEA!!!  Three B's and one A, I am just ecstatic.  Added to that, the school is handing out mula to those students who had applied for financial assistance but did not get anything for this school year.  Apparently, they had extra funded money that wasn't accepted by others, so the school decided to distribute it to students who had applied and got zilch earlier this school year.  I happen to be one of those who got zilch, soon I'll be $400 richer and it'll be recycled back to the school for my Fall tuition.

In two weeks I'll start my Summer semester.  Only one class this time AND its online.

I have to say, being back in school is a joy to me.  Of course there are classes that are tedious but once you find classes that spikes your interest, oooohhhh man you feel that excitement.  ESPECIALLY if the teacher steps up to the plate and owns the subject by K.O. and I definitely believe my Precalculus and Human Relations teachers did just that.

(Just typing about school and what makes me happy made me forget about the problems in my life :) hehe.)        

Thursday, April 28, 2011

For Me Birthday?

Yes, I did type "Me" instead of "My".  Why? Cause I can MUAHAHAHAHA

To my surprise, my parents gave me the day off from work on a Saturday....WOW, that never happens.  So, the original plan was to meet my girlfriend in DC for the Cherry Blossom festival and have dinner there.  Change of plans.  Instead, drove down to her place for some home cooked KOREAN food.  To understand why the word Korean is in caps, the reader has to keep in mind that my girlfriend is Caucasian and that I am Korean/Asian.  By the time I arrived, she had already finished cooking two dishes and completing third.  Soon after, she was bringing them to the dining room and we were chowing down MMmmmm.  I'm not going to list what she made cause spelling the names of the Korean dishes are hard LOL.  Maybe I'll link it at the bottom :) I have to say that the flavor was there and that my tastebuds and my tummy enjoyed them very much.  For dessert, she made something else Korean, rice cake coated with roasted black sesame seed filled with sweet red bean paste or filled with brown sugar, cinnamon, and sesame seed...... I'll just link ya -.-

2nd "Date"

It's been over a month and I've tried to remember the second date real hard......COULDN'T so I resorted to asking my girlfriend.  Neither of us could really remember hahaha BUT here is what we COULD remember :)

The following Monday after THE "Date", I drove to her place after class.  She greeted me in the kitchen and told me to stay there till she called me down to the basement.....hmmmmm.  Got curious so I started to sneak down but she caught me.  Ran back up and sat at the top of the stairs, waiting for her to call me down like the Good 'Ol Pup that I am.  Couple of minutes later she called me down and soon I was walking through the dark of the basement, heading towards the dimly lit bathroom.  SURPRISE!!!!  There she was, soaking in the tub full of bubbles and tealight candles lit around the tub (insert cheesy smile).

For the remainder of the day, please do use your imagination *wink wink.

Monday, March 7, 2011

THE day of the "date"

After my morning class I stopped by the florist and picked out some roses and tulips (the part where I couldn't decide on from previous post).  I also picked out a tiny balloon with "Congratulations" written on it.  I bought it for two reasons.  Part of it was to really congratulate her for being accepted into the culinary program at AI.  The other part was for a joke; she tells me to go with my first instincts and I was going to tell her that my first instincts aren't always romantic after handing her the tiny balloon.  Well it turns out I did good with flowers.  She told me she got a bashful and pink in the cheeks.  I also got nicely dressed for her and our date.  She really loved that.

We drove to Dupont and parked it at a valet garage and walked to our three destinations.  I think she had a good time cause she held my hand as we walked to our final destination.  I mentioned bout that tonight while I talked to her on the phone, she tells me she's been wanting to hold my hand as we sat and drank tea at Teaism.  It was nice to have some physical contact with her.  I really enjoyed holding her hand and being able to at least warm it in my pocket of my jacket as we walked back to the parking garage.

Before heading back to her grandma's, we stopped by Trader Joe's to pick out some items for grandma.  Never been to a grocery store in DC.  It was pretty busy with a long line for checkout.  I guess cause it was around the time people got out of work and on their way home.

The ride back was pretty quiet but still nice.  She slipped her hand over and I drove while holding her hand.  Noticed how cold they were and immediately turned on the heater for her.

Before parting ways she gave me some good smooches and I didn't want to say goodbye.  Now I gotta think of another date for next Monday since she has off again.  A date with no weights on her shoulders.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A "date"

Come this following Monday, I'll be taking out my ex of 3 years on a "date".  Why is the word date in quotes? Well cause we are trying to see if we can make it work again albeit slower than before.  We just rushed into alot of things earlier and got too ahead of ourselves, making alot of things difficult and too many emotions.

ANYWHO, I've planned out the date and chose Dupont Circle to be the main location.

  1. Crepes-a-Go-Go 
  2. Teaism
  3. Bread and Brew OR Freshii
I know, they are all places to eat.  I wanted to look for locations where it wasn't museums or tourist like but its pretty damn hard.  All of those three locations are based on what I think she would like or interest her.  I just hope not to disappoint.  

Maybe I should get some flowers..........she's a sucker for surprises and flowers, or as she puts it "romantic" things. BLAH I'll sleep on it.